
Tips From PC / MS Civil Police
Vignette created for the series Dicas da PC, made in partnership with the Civil Police of MS. Our job: creation and animation of the logo in After Effects.

Institutional Vignette / Adepol MS
Institutional vignette of the Association of Civil Police Delegates of MS. Our job: logo animation in After Effects.

Institutional Vignette / AEPJ MS
Institutional vignette of the Association of Civil Police Clerks of MS. Our job: logo animation in After Effects.

Institutional Vignette / Dr. Taís Zortéa
Vignette created for Dr. Taís Zortéa. Our job: creation and animation of the logo in After Effects.

Divine Mercy Novena / Covenant of Mercy
Vignette created for the series "Divine Mercy Novena", from the Covenant of Mercy Community, in SP. Our job: logo animation in After Effects.

Grafted Into Christ / Covenant of Mercy
Vignette created for the series "Grafted Into Christ", from the Convenant of Mercy Community, in SP. Our job: creation and animation of the logo in After Effects.

Institutional Vignette / Promote Fair
Institutional Vignette of the Promote Fair. Our job: logo animation in After Effects.

Institutional Vignette / Premiere Technology
Premiere Technology institutional vignette. Our job: logo animation in After Effects.

Institutional Vignette / SOB Lawyers
Institutional vignette of SOB Associated Lawyers. Our job: logo animation in After Effects.